collect([1, 2, 3])->all();
// [1, 2, 3]
$average = collect([['foo' => 10], ['foo' => 10], ['foo' => 20], ['foo' => 40]])->avg('foo');
// 20
$average = collect([1, 1, 2, 4])->average();
// 2
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
$chunks = $collection->chunk(4);
// [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]
این متد هنگام کار با Viewها بسیار کاربردی میباشد، در مثال زیر Productها را به آرایههای ۳ تایی تقسیم کردیم و سپس نمایش دادیم.
@foreach ($products->chunk(3) as $chunk)
<div class="row">
@foreach ($chunk as $product)
<div class="col-xs-4">{{ $product->name }}</div>
$collection = collect([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]);
$collapsed = $collection->collapse();
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
$collectionA = collect([1, 2, 3]);
$collectionB = $collectionA->collect();
// [1, 2, 3]
$collection = collect(['name', 'age']);
$combined = $collection->combine(['George', 29]);
// ['name' => 'George', 'age' => 29]
$collection = collect(['John Doe']);
$concatenated = $collection->concat(['Jane Doe'])->concat(['name' => 'Johnny Doe']);
// ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe', 'Johnny Doe']
$collection = collect(['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 100]);
// true
$collection->contains('New York');
// false
همچنین میتوانیم چک کنیم که آیا یک Key و Value بهطور همزمان در یک آرایه وجود دارند یا خیر.
$collection = collect([
['product' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
['product' => 'Chair', 'price' => 100],
$collection->contains('product', 'Bookcase');
// false
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4]);
// 4
$collection = collect([1, 2, 2, 2, 3]);
$counted = $collection->countBy();
// [1 => 1, 2 => 3, 3 => 1]
$collection = collect([1, 2]);
$matrix = $collection->crossJoin(['a', 'b']);
[1, 'a'],
[1, 'b'],
[2, 'a'],
[2, 'b'],
$collection = collect([1, 2]);
$matrix = $collection->crossJoin(['a', 'b'], ['I', 'II']);
[1, 'a', 'I'],
[1, 'a', 'II'],
[1, 'b', 'I'],
[1, 'b', 'II'],
[2, 'a', 'I'],
[2, 'a', 'II'],
[2, 'b', 'I'],
[2, 'b', 'II'],
$collection = collect(['John Doe', 'Jane Doe']);
Collection {
#items: array:2 [
0 => "John Doe"
1 => "Jane Doe"
اگر میخواهید که ادامهی کد متوقف نشود، میتوانید بهجای dd از dump استفاده کنید.
The dump method dumps the collection's items:
$collection = collect(['John Doe', 'Jane Doe']);
Collection {
#items: array:2 [
0 => "John Doe"
1 => "Jane Doe"
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$diff = $collection->diff([2, 4, 6, 8]);
// [1, 3, 5]
$collection = collect([
'color' => 'orange',
'type' => 'fruit',
'remain' => 6,
$diff = $collection->diffAssoc([
'color' => 'yellow',
'type' => 'fruit',
'remain' => 3,
'used' => 6,
// ['color' => 'orange', 'remain' => 6]
$collection = collect([
'one' => 10,
'two' => 20,
'three' => 30,
'four' => 40,
'five' => 50,
$diff = $collection->diffKeys([
'two' => 2,
'four' => 4,
'six' => 6,
'eight' => 8,
// ['one' => 10, 'three' => 30, 'five' => 50]
$collection = collect(['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b']);
// [2 => 'a', 4 => 'b']
اگر بخواهیم در یک یا چند آرایه، بین Keyهای خاص، دنبال مقادیری بگردیم که ۲ بار تکرار شدهاند، به شکل زیر عمل میکنیم.
$employees = collect([
['email' => '', 'position' => 'Developer'],
['email' => '', 'position' => 'Designer'],
['email' => '', 'position' => 'Developer'],
// [2 => 'Developer']
$collection->each(function ($item, $key) {
$collection = collect(['product_id' => 1, 'price' => 100, 'discount' => false]);
$filtered = $collection->except(['price', 'discount']);
// ['product_id' => 1]
collect([1, 2, 3, 4])->first();
// 1
$collection = collect([
['name' => 'Regena', 'age' => null],
['name' => 'Linda', 'age' => 14],
['name' => 'Diego', 'age' => 23],
['name' => 'Linda', 'age' => 84],
$collection->firstWhere('name', 'Linda');
// ['name' => 'Linda', 'age' => 14]
بهطور مثال در کد بالا اولين دادهای که نامش Linda است را دریافت میکنیم.
$collection->firstWhere('age', '>=', 18);
// ['name' => 'Diego', 'age' => 23]
یا در این مثال اولين دادهای که سنش بزرگتر مساوی ۱۸ باشد را دریافت میکنیم.
$collection = collect(['name' => 'taylor', 'framework' => 'laravel']);
$flipped = $collection->flip();
// ['taylor' => 'name', 'laravel' => 'framework']
$collection = collect(['name' => 'taylor', 'framework' => 'laravel']);
// ['framework' => 'laravel']
$collection = collect(['name' => 'taylor', 'framework' => 'laravel']);
$value = $collection->get('name');
// taylor
$collection = collect([
['account_id' => 'account-x10', 'product' => 'Chair'],
['account_id' => 'account-x10', 'product' => 'Bookcase'],
['account_id' => 'account-x11', 'product' => 'Desk'],
$grouped = $collection->groupBy('account_id');
'account-x10' => [
['account_id' => 'account-x10', 'product' => 'Chair'],
['account_id' => 'account-x10', 'product' => 'Bookcase'],
'account-x11' => [
['account_id' => 'account-x11', 'product' => 'Desk'],
$collection = collect(['account_id' => 1, 'product' => 'Desk', 'amount' => 5]);
// true
$collection->has(['product', 'amount']);
// true
$collection->has(['amount', 'price']);
// false
$collection = collect([
['account_id' => 1, 'product' => 'Desk'],
['account_id' => 2, 'product' => 'Chair'],
$collection->implode('product', ', ');
// Desk, Chair
collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])->implode('-');
// '1-2-3-4-5'
$collection = collect(['Desk', 'Sofa', 'Chair']);
$intersect = $collection->intersect(['Desk', 'Chair', 'Bookcase']);
// [0 => 'Desk', 2 => 'Chair']
Key دادههای جدید همان Key آرایهی اول میباشد
$collection = collect([
'serial' => 'UX301', 'type' => 'screen', 'year' => 2009,
$intersect = $collection->intersectByKeys([
'reference' => 'UX404', 'type' => 'tab', 'year' => 2011,
// ['type' => 'screen', 'year' => 2009]
// true
// false
collect(['a', 'b', 'c'])->join(', '); // 'a, b, c'
collect(['a', 'b', 'c'])->join(', ', ', and '); // 'a, b, and c'
collect(['a', 'b'])->join(', ', ' and '); // 'a and b'
collect(['a'])->join(', ', ' and '); // 'a'
collect([])->join(', ', ' and '); // ''
collect([1, 2, 3, 4])->last(function ($value, $key) {
return $value < 3;
// 2
collect([1, 2, 3, 4])->last();
// 4
$max = collect([['foo' => 10], ['foo' => 20]])->max('foo');
// 20
$max = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])->max();
// 5
$median = collect([['foo' => 10], ['foo' => 10], ['foo' => 20], ['foo' => 40]])->median('foo');
// 15
$median = collect([1, 1, 2, 4])->median();
// 1.5
$collection = collect(['product_id' => 1, 'price' => 100]);
$merged = $collection->merge(['price' => 200, 'discount' => false]);
// ['product_id' => 1, 'price' => 200, 'discount' => false]
$collection = collect(['Desk', 'Chair']);
$merged = $collection->merge(['Bookcase', 'Door']);
// ['Desk', 'Chair', 'Bookcase', 'Door']
$collection = collect(['product_id' => 1, 'price' => 100]);
$merged = $collection->mergeRecursive(['product_id' => 2, 'price' => 200, 'discount' => false]);
// ['product_id' => [1, 2], 'price' => [100, 200], 'discount' => false]
$min = collect([['foo' => 10], ['foo' => 20]])->min('foo');
// 10
$min = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])->min();
// 1
$collection = collect([
['product_id' => 'prod-100', 'name' => 'Desk'],
['product_id' => 'prod-200', 'name' => 'Chair'],
$plucked = $collection->pluck('name');
// ['Desk', 'Chair']
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// 5
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
$collection = collect(['product_id' => 'prod-100', 'name' => 'Desk']);
// 'Desk'
// ['product_id' => 'prod-100']
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4]);
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
$collection = collect(['product_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Desk']);
$collection->put('price', 100);
// ['product_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 100]
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// 4 - (retrieved randomly)
$collection = collect(['Taylor', 'Abigail', 'James']);
$replaced = $collection->replace([1 => 'Victoria', 3 => 'Finn']);
// ['Taylor', 'Victoria', 'James', 'Finn']
$collection = collect(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']);
$reversed = $collection->reverse();
4 => 'e',
3 => 'd',
2 => 'c',
1 => 'b',
0 => 'a',
$collection = collect([2, 4, 6, 8]);
// 1
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// 1
// [2, 3, 4, 5]
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$shuffled = $collection->shuffle();
// [3, 2, 5, 1, 4] - (generated randomly)
$collection = collect([5, 3, 1, 2, 4]);
$sorted = $collection->sort();
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
$collection = collect([
['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
['name' => 'Chair', 'price' => 100],
['name' => 'Bookcase', 'price' => 150],
$sorted = $collection->sortBy('price');
['name' => 'Chair', 'price' => 100],
['name' => 'Bookcase', 'price' => 150],
['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
$collection = collect([5, 3, 1, 2, 4]);
$sorted = $collection->sortDesc();
// [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
$collection = collect([
'id' => 22345,
'first' => 'John',
'last' => 'Doe',
$sorted = $collection->sortKeys();
'first' => 'John',
'id' => 22345,
'last' => 'Doe',
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$chunk = $collection->splice(2);
// [3, 4, 5]
// [1, 2]
collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])->sum();
// 15
$collection = collect([
['name' => 'JavaScript: The Good Parts', 'pages' => 176],
['name' => 'JavaScript: The Definitive Guide', 'pages' => 1096],
// 1272
$collection = collect(['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200]);
['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
$collection = collect(['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200]);
// '{"name":"Desk", "price":200}'
$collection = collect([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2]);
$unique = $collection->unique();
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
$collection = collect([
['name' => 'iPhone 6', 'brand' => 'Apple', 'type' => 'phone'],
['name' => 'iPhone 5', 'brand' => 'Apple', 'type' => 'phone'],
['name' => 'Apple Watch', 'brand' => 'Apple', 'type' => 'watch'],
['name' => 'Galaxy S6', 'brand' => 'Samsung', 'type' => 'phone'],
['name' => 'Galaxy Gear', 'brand' => 'Samsung', 'type' => 'watch'],
$unique = $collection->unique('brand');
['name' => 'iPhone 6', 'brand' => 'Apple', 'type' => 'phone'],
['name' => 'Galaxy S6', 'brand' => 'Samsung', 'type' => 'phone'],
$unique = $collection->unique(function ($item) {
return $item['brand'].$item['type'];
['name' => 'iPhone 6', 'brand' => 'Apple', 'type' => 'phone'],
['name' => 'Apple Watch', 'brand' => 'Apple', 'type' => 'watch'],
['name' => 'Galaxy S6', 'brand' => 'Samsung', 'type' => 'phone'],
['name' => 'Galaxy Gear', 'brand' => 'Samsung', 'type' => 'watch'],
$collection = collect([
['product' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
['product' => 'Chair', 'price' => 100],
['product' => 'Bookcase', 'price' => 150],
['product' => 'Door', 'price' => 100],
$filtered = $collection->where('price', 100);
['product' => 'Chair', 'price' => 100],
['product' => 'Door', 'price' => 100],
$collection = collect([
['name' => 'Jim', 'deleted_at' => '2019-01-01 00:00:00'],
['name' => 'Sally', 'deleted_at' => '2019-01-02 00:00:00'],
['name' => 'Sue', 'deleted_at' => null],
$filtered = $collection->where('deleted_at', '!=', null);
['name' => 'Jim', 'deleted_at' => '2019-01-01 00:00:00'],
['name' => 'Sally', 'deleted_at' => '2019-01-02 00:00:00'],
$collection = collect([
['product' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
['product' => 'Chair', 'price' => 80],
['product' => 'Bookcase', 'price' => 150],
['product' => 'Pencil', 'price' => 30],
['product' => 'Door', 'price' => 100],
$filtered = $collection->whereBetween('price', [100, 200]);
['product' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
['product' => 'Bookcase', 'price' => 150],
['product' => 'Door', 'price' => 100],
اگر به یادگیری بیشتر لاراول علاقه دارید میتوانید در دوره آموزش لاراول کاربردی (بسته پروژه محور) شرکت کنید، این دوره شامل ۱۲ پروژه کاربردی و پر استفاده در دنیای واقعی است، که تمامی پروژهها به صورت کامل برنامه نویسی خواهند شد، تا دانشجو بتواند با روند ایجاد و تکمیل پروژه به صورت کامل آشنا شود.