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ساخته نشدن پوشه flutter_gen برای چند زبانه کردن
جامعه فلاتر ایجاد شده در ۰۹ آذر ۱۴۰۰
<p>با سلام تمامی مراحل رو چندبار طبق آموزش جلو رفتم ولی توی پوشه dart_tool پوشه flutter_gen ساخته نمیشه</p><p>ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید</p><p>این هم فایل pubspec من</p><p><br></p><pre class=\"ql-syntax\" spellcheck=\"false\">name: my_sample_project description: A <span class=\"hljs-keyword\">new</span> Flutter project. <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># The following line prevents the package from being accidentally published to</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># pub.dev using `flutter pub publish`. This is preferred for private packages.</span> publish_to: <span class=\"hljs-string\">\'none\'</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Remove this line if you wish to publish to pub.dev</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># The following defines the version and build number for your application.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># A version number is three numbers separated by dots, like 1.2.43</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># followed by an optional build number separated by a +.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Both the version and the builder number may be overridden in flutter</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># build by specifying --build-name and --build-number, respectively.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># In Android, build-name is used as versionName while build-number used as versionCode.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Read more about Android versioning at https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/versioning</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Read more about iOS versioning at</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html</span> version: <span class=\"hljs-number\">1.0</span>.<span class=\"hljs-number\">0</span>+<span class=\"hljs-number\">1</span> environment: sdk: <span class=\"hljs-string\">\">=2.12.0 <3.0.0\"</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Dependencies specify other packages that your package needs in order to work.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># To automatically upgrade your package dependencies to the latest versions</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># consider running `flutter pub upgrade --major-versions`. Alternatively,</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># dependencies can be manually updated by changing the version numbers below to</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># the latest version available on pub.dev. To see which dependencies have newer</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># versions available, run `flutter pub outdated`.</span> dependencies: adaptive_theme: <span class=\"hljs-number\">2.3</span>.<span class=\"hljs-number\">0</span> flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_localizations: <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Add this line</span> sdk: flutter <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Add this line</span> intl: ^<span class=\"hljs-number\">0.17</span>.<span class=\"hljs-number\">0</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Add this line</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.</span> cupertino_icons: ^<span class=\"hljs-number\">1.0</span>.<span class=\"hljs-number\">2</span> dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># The \"flutter_lints\" package below contains a set of recommended lints to</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># encourage good coding practices. The lint set provided by the package is</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># activated in the `analysis_options.yaml` file located at the root of your</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># package. See that file for information about deactivating specific lint</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># rules and activating additional ones.</span> flutter_lints: ^<span class=\"hljs-number\">1.0</span>.<span class=\"hljs-number\">0</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># The following section is specific to Flutter.</span> flutter: <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># included with your application, so that you can use the icons in</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># the material Icons class.</span> uses-material-design: <span class=\"hljs-literal\">true</span> generate: <span class=\"hljs-literal\">true</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># Add this line</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># To add assets to your application, add an assets section, like this:</span> assets: - assets/images/ <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># An image asset can refer to one or more resolution-specific \"variants\", see</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># https://flutter.dev/assets-and-images/#resolution-aware.</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># For details regarding adding assets from package dependencies, see</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># https://flutter.dev/assets-and-images/#from-packages</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># To add custom fonts to your application, add a fonts section here,</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># in this \"flutter\" section. Each entry in this list should have a</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># \"family\" key with the font family name, and a \"fonts\" key with a</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># list giving the asset and other descriptors for the font. For</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># example:</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># fonts:</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># - family: Schyler</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># fonts:</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># - asset: fonts/Schyler-Regular.ttf</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># - asset: fonts/Schyler-Italic.ttf</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># style: italic</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># - family: Trajan Pro</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># fonts:</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># - asset: fonts/TrajanPro.ttf</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># - asset: fonts/TrajanPro_Bold.ttf</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># weight: 700</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\">#</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># For details regarding fonts from package dependencies,</span> <span class=\"hljs-comment\"># see https://flutter.dev/custom-fonts/#from-packages</span> </pre><p><br></p>

سلام وقت بخیر، زمانی که دستور fluttergen رو وارد می‌کنید، متن خطا رو اسکرین شات بگیرید و اینجا آپلود کنید

سعید شاهینی ۱۱ آذر ۱۴۰۰، ۰۴:۴۳